It’s the Last Day
I can’t believe the intensive is over… I feel great, but want to keep the work going! Shelly and myself have created nine separate pieces of copy that run the gambit of the commercial voice-over world. Now she and I will go through and pick out our favorite six and send it off to be mastered for my new commercial demo!
Shelly has been incredible throughout the entire process. Because it’s been a one-on-one intensive in the time of COVID-19, I must admit that I did feel disconnected from her a number of times, and therefore frustrated, but I was able to figure out how to work the 10 days for myself and make sure that I got everything out of each day that I could.
The demo is now delayed because of the holiday season, but hopefully once the new year rolls around I’ll be able to start submitting my demo and posting on my own work.
I can’t wait for the next post to hopefully unveil our hard work!